On a recent trip away, I was struck by the attitude of J when we were playing with a new toy golf set. After a few failed efforts she emphatically plonked herself down and exclaimed " I can't do this! It's too hard. It's just not my thing Mummy." I was taken aback by her quick defeatist attitude and annoyed at her lack of effort before just giving up. Where had she learned that attitude? Didn't she expect that it would take some practice before she could get the golf ball into the hole? Did she think she would be able to do it immediately?
From my perspective as the parent I could easily see that practice will help her achieve the goal of putting the golf ball into the hole. But from a 4 year old's perspective the task seemed too difficult initially so it was easier to give up and believe that "it wasn't her thing". I explained to J that if she choose to have the attitude of "I can't do it" then she will believe that she wouldn't be able to do it and so won't put in any effort to persevere. But if she choose the attitude of "I can do it!" then she is more likely to believe that she is able to do it and would be more willing to practice and work hard at the task. After teaching her that our attitudes are made from the choices we make, I then got J to say aloud in a big voice "I can do this!" and coaxed her to have another go at putting the golf ball in the hole. She failed but repeated the phrase "I can do it!" and she managed to get he ball into the hole. She kept on repeating this phrase aloud and then hitting the ball, sometimes she succeed and sometimes she didn't but she did overcome her bad attitude.
How easily it is for us to have a bad attitude about our spiritual life. Do any of the following phrases sound familiar? I can't pray! It's too hard. I just fall asleep. Or bible study - yuck, I hated studying at school, it's just not my thing. Mission work - who has the time, that's what I tithe for! Or my all time favourite (used extensively by myself) I just haven't had the time to read my bible today I've been so busy and now I'm just too tired, I'll catch up tomorrow. Bad attitudes and complacency are the result of choices we have made. Yes. I agree, praying can be awkward and challenging especially when you feel there is no answers to your prayers, but we are supposed to practice prayer and to pray often. The Apostle Paul tells the Colossians to "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful " (Col 4:2). He also says to the Thessalonians "pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus "(1 Thess 5:17). We are called to persevere in faith when life gets hard and we are promised the reward is the maturity of our faith (James 1:3-4). We are told plainly that every effort should be made to add to our faith goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. If we have these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep us from being ineffective and unproductive as disciples of Christ (2 Pet 1: 5-8).
As Christians we are saved through faith in Christ alone but he has also made us co-workers in his kingdom (1 Cor 3:9). We are called to use the gifts he has freely given us for the work God has called us to do for him(1 Pet 4:10). God doesn't say it is easy but he does say it is worth every blood, sweat and tear.
So are you making choices like J that are leading you down a path of bad attitudes which are hindering your relationship with God and spiritual growth? If so, why are you making those choices? Are you tired, overwhelmed and exhausted like so many mothers. Are you being stubborn, wanting to do your own thing rather than submitting your heart, hopes and desires to God's and then being willing to do as he asks? Perhaps it means reorganising your mornings so they are less stressful and allows you a moment to read your bible. Or maybe is means approaching prayer with a friend to help you stay focused and accountable. Take some time to think about the choices you are making and how they are effecting your approach to God and then make some changes.
Come on and share some of your attitudes, choices and changes you'd like to make.
Great job Nicole. Thanks for keeping us linked. This is all new to me and not sure if I have joined up correctly. Couldn't get a photo uploaded but hope my comment posts OK. Happy New Year to all.