Monday, July 23, 2012

What's in a name?

Eighteen months ago, this blog began. It was originally born out of our church based Bible study group called Child Friendly Bible Study.  As the name suggests, this group was initially started to fill the need of a number of mums in our church with babies and children, who were longing for a place to come and learn more about God but where they felt at ease to let their children be  a bit noisy.  They wanted an opportrunity to grow in faith through studying the Bible, plus the intimacy of deep friendships that encouraged love, care and nuturing.  So in this environement, Child Friendly Bible Study was born. 

Child Friendly Bible Study has been going now for nearly 15 years and has been lead by various faithfull women.  The group has seen a number of people come and go as the seasons of life change for them. As time goes on, children grow and begin schooling life, and mums are drawn to work or other new ventures.  Some are here with us long term and others are here with us just for a time.  However, amidst these ebbs and flows of life leading people to and away, the purpose of Child Friendly Bible Study still remains  the same - to enable a place for women to learn about God through the teaching of the Bible, to be a place of love and friendship that encourages and supports, to be a place to pray for each other and the church, to be a group that promotes the maturity of faith in women so they me grounded firmly in Christ and secure in the knowledge of God's grace.

It has been my joy to have lead Child Friendly Bible Study for the last two and a half years.  Even in that time, I've seen many changes within the group.  There have been highs and there have been lows.  I've seen people have moving encounters with God and their relationship with him strengthened, affirmed, deepened and their faith soar.  I've seen others struggle through difficult situations and feel like they are stuck in a dark hole, but still hold on their hope in Christ through the faithful encouragement of others in the group and with the knowledge that there are otehrs who are praying for them and with them. 

These days, our group has changed from being an avenue for mums needing a time out with God in which their children were invited to be there also, to being a place open for grandmothers also.  This changes the group dynamics significantly and now we (those of us who are in the very thick of parenting young children) are being exposed to the wisdom, experience and knowledge of faithful Chrisitan women who have travelled this parenting road before.  These older women are treasures who have so much to offer to us if we are willing to listen.  So again Child Friendly Bible Study has morphed into something different from when it started but is still grounded with the same purpose - to mature women in Christ through the study of the Bible, encouraged to pray and nutured through prayer and fellowship. 

So in relation to this blog, it was created to provide a way to stay connected with each other during the Christmas school holidays (which in Australia is our long summer break).  However, it was a method that didn't really take off within the group for various reasons.  The blog has now changed from it's orignal purpose to support the members of Child Friendly Bible Study to be a virtual place where I share what God is teaching me, with the prayer that others may be encouraged, challenged, nurtured and strengthened in their faith to mature in Christ.  So it's time for a name change of the blog to better reflect it's refined purpose. Out of this the name, "My Redeemed Heart" has emerged which I hope will better reflect the content of this blog.

So continue to grow in Christ, thirst for his word and hunger for his righteousness.  Praise God for his grace.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon!



  1. G'day Nicole. Great to read your blog. How interesting to see the change/redirection of your blog. It started out with one goal in mind, but that has come and gone. Now the transition into the new goal. The old one has been achieved - time for a next one. I commend you on making the change and look forward to reading more and being inspired by your journey of "growth".

  2. Thanks for your encouragement Rev Rob.
