Saturday, May 7, 2011

God's Transforming Word

Today I wish to welcome Naomi Bell, a member of Child Friendly Bible Study.  Naomi has been taking the journey to read through the Bible in a year, and today is sharing some insights from her experience of reading through God's Word.  Thanks Naomi!

Why did you decide to read through the bible in a year?
 Naomi: At the beginning of this year I was feeling a little proud of myself for actually finishing reading through a year long devotional book for the first time. I had started many many books before and never stuck to anything for more than a few weeks/months. So to actually finish this one and only about a week late was an accomplishment for me. So I started thinking 'where to next?' and 'what should I read now?'. I have used 'The Word For Today' as a daily devotional in the past and I noticed they also have a plan for reading the Bible in a year, so I decided since I had never done that before I should challenge myself to keep going with my daily reading and the Bible would be it.

What is something you have learnt from this process?
Naomi:  So far I have learnt that whilst I thought I knew all the stories of the Bible, having been brought up in a Christian home and been a Christian for some time now, I really dont know that much of the details at all! When reading through the Old Testament I have discovered how amazing God is and how fascinating the people of the Old Testament are.

Is the experience what you expected?  Why or why not?
Naomi: I guess my only expectation was that I would struggle to read every single day since I had in the past found the bible very hard to read and to understand. So it has been very unexpected to find that I am now feeling like I just want to read more and more and for the first time in my life I have that feeling of not wanting to put a book down. I have always struggled to read books and still don't read novels at all so it is very exciting to feel this way about the Bible of all books! 

Would you recommend others to try reading through the whole bible?  Why or why not?
Naomi: I would definitely recommend others to give it a try and also to take the time to pray about it and ask God to help open your heart and mind to absorb as much as you can. Reading the bible each day has really opened my eyes to how much I have been missing out on all these years and is helping me to grow into a stronger Christian

What is God challenging you from this?
Naomi: I think God is challenging me to know more about my faith and why I believe so that I am better equipped to share it with others. Particularly with my children, since my 5 yr old has starting asking a lot of tough questions about God, Jesus and heaven just this year. I don't believe in coincidences and God's timing never ceasing to amaze me! 

What's next for you after this?
Naomi: I guess when I've read through the whole Bible in a year the only thing to do would be to go back and do it all again every year. Maybe if I am needing even more I might have to do some studies to go alongside it as well. Only God knows for sure whats next for me and I sincerely pray that through my daily reading this year I can develop a closer relationship with him and be more aware of his guidance in my life.

 Many of us have had such great aspirations to read through the entire Bible but for different reasons give up.  I pray that Naomi's response will encourage you to pick up your Bible and discover more about the God you love and reignite the passion you first had for Christ.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him."                           (2 Corinthians 2:14)

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