Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rebuilding lives

Before going onto  my next post I felt I needed to take this moment to acknowledge the hurt and heartache that many have been experiencing in Toowoomba, Murphey's Creek, Grantham, Ipswich and Brisbane.  Plus everyone up north who were in the grips of flooding before this week. I pray for courage and strength to endure the hardship of rebuilding lives from the very beginning again after losing everything.  I praise God for the outreaching of arms from complete strangers to help those affected by the flooding.  I pray for your hope Jesus to infuse peoples hearts to help them not despair. 

My words feel so trite in the face of what people are experiencing but at the same time I felt I couldn't continue blogging without recognising what others have  gone through this week and continue to face in the coming days, weeks and months.

Please add your prayers here also if you want.

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